LBW History Chapter 7
The next addition to the band was Luis Tavel. Shortly after Ana Lisa, he joined in May 2007 as our male lead vocalist. For the next year, we had some great vocals and harmonies, and we were able to perform a wide range of classic rock. With two strong vocalists, we could take on almost anything and starting to sound more than just good. Unfortunately, a year later Ana Lisa left. A couple months after that, we hired Tracy DiBonas as our female lead, she and Luis worked together for several months before Luis’s departure in October 2008. When Luis left, we decided not to replace him, and spread Luis’s songs to the rest of the band. We didn’t drop any songs, and Tracy’s strong voice stayed with us until August, 2010. Joe Hursh, who had been with me since day one, also left the band the following month. Both Joe and Tracy moved out of Colorado, Tracy went to the Pacific Northwest, and Joe moved to Missouri. Tracy has since moved back to Colorado, but didn’t rejoin the band. Unfortunately, Joe passed away at the age of 39. By the end of September 2010 I was lucky enough to score a two-fer. Tom Stocker joined the band and took over lead vocals and bass. He stayed with the band for 10 1/2 years and still subs from time to time. Above and below are a couple of shots of our drum set up with Tom Stocker and John Purvis. The drums were set up on a platform eliminating the need to take down the set. We just wheeled the platform on stage and wheeled it off. #classicrock#historyoflbw#danceband#livemusicrocks#rockandroll